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Taking a spash is absolutely normal when learning how to paddle board. Even veteran paddlers take a stumble time to time.
SUP instructor Eddie here, and I’m going to teach you the most effective method I know to getting back on your board quickly so you can be on your way.
Let’s dig in!
Step 1 : Don’t Worry About the Paddle
If you try to get back to your board while holding the paddle, it’s going to make it very difficult. Unless they are made of cheap plastic, most paddles are designed to float.
If you are worried about your paddle floating or not, you should consider getting a carbon fiber paddle. They suit duel purpose because they light and will float. They are also easier to paddle with and require less energy.
Plain and simple, ditch the paddle and focus on getting back to your board.
Step 2 : Approach From the Side
As you swim towards the board make sure you approach either side.
NEVER try to come in from the tail.
Why? Because if you try to climb on from the tail, all the weight goes to the rear of the board.
This sinks the tail and forces the nose(front) to point upwards. Doing this will make your situation more difficult because are now trying to “rock climb” the paddle board.
Step 3 : Grab the Paddle Board Handle
Now that you are on the side of the board. Look for the handle located at the center of the board.
Reach with your dominant hand and grab a hold of it tightly.
Step 4 : Clearing Enough Space
This is a very important step many beginner paddlers miss. Do not skip this step.
If you are a woman with a bigger chest or an individual with a little extra around the belly, you need to clear enough space. If you don’t do this you’ll drag your chest or belly across the board making it more difficult.
How do you do this?
In order to clear the space, make sure your dominant hand is on the handle and the non-dominant hand is shoulder width apart on the y-axis.
Now you want to push down on your forearms just like you would a plank position.
Once you’ve cleared enough space, simply lean your weight forward, and you’ll be on the paddle board.
If you struggle with this step, practice holding the plank position for a while to build up your upper strength.
Step 5 : Use Your Legs
Make sure you clear enough space in step 4 before doing step 5.
As you lean your weight forward with your forearms, use your legs to propel yourself forward.
Kick until your crotch is fully positioned on the board.
Step 6 : Rotate Your Body
Now that your crotch is on the board, curl your legs so that your feet are above the board.
Use your forearms and rotate your body until you are facing the nose (front) of the board.
Step 7 : Retrieve the Paddle
Great! We’re back on the paddle board!
Look around and find your paddle.
Stay on your belly and use your arms to paddle on both sides of the board.
Additional Tips!
*Stay calm. Remember it’s just water.
*Practice in places with calm waters like harbors or lakes.
*Go out with a friend if you are new to practice and feel more comfortable.
*Wear a leash if you are worried about the board getting too far from you.
Let’s summarize everything we’ve just learned!
✓ If the paddle floats, don’t worry about it.
✓ Swim to the side of the board.
✓ Grab the handle in the middle of the paddle board.
✓ Use your forearms to do a plank to clear enough space.
✓ Kick with your legs to propel your forward.
✓ Position your body until you are facing the nose of the board.
✓ Use your hands to paddle as you retrieve your SUP paddle.